Currently, the Judge is facing an extremely difficult situation, given the progress of social rights and the reality of the country goes through a tumultuous time in the economic development, since the world is dominated by the economic power, by the called “globalization” of the economy, through which rich countries dictate the rules of the market and put the least developed countries in difficulty to provide the social development of its population. The new world order gives the growth of social conflicts and overloads the Judiciary. It appears in fact an obvious mismatch between people's needs and what the Government can provide it. The development, unaccompanied by policies due to new demands of the society, gives place to a growing dissatisfaction with the public services, which leads the people to predation, to criticism, to strike. Nothing works and everything is malfunctioning. There is distrust of the public employees. The challenge, therefore, becomes the highest law enforcer in front of the case and the interpretation of its text.