sábado, 1 de agosto de 2009

Power and abuse

The conception of Power – “Latin origin potere” can be applied to a person or group having great influence, force or authority, this last meaning the power or right to give commands, enforce obedience, take action or make final decisions meaning also a jurisdiction.
In a “bad way “a constant striving for power or authority in politics is a desire to find a source of a superior power upon one relies.
The link between Power – and Public Integrity in the Public Interest following the distortions of its concept and functions in an democratic society where the exercise of the Power is legitimated by the People that elects someone to rule in their collective benefit and use the influence and authority to give welfare, development. A fair exercise of authority is the motivation of the electors.
Distortions of power are believed to conduct to a distortions of peoples rule and government making the legal framework of “abuse of power” an inconsistent and with obvious useless.